Sikhs for Justice

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Indians should also stand with hundreds of Sikh women who were raped in November 1984: Sikhs for Justice

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

December 30, 2012

New Delhi, India (December 30, 2012): Sikhs for Justice (SJF), a United States based Human Rights and advocacy group has expressed deep grief over the death of a Delhi girl who was brutally gang-raped in Indian capital earlier this month.

“SFJ would like to send our deepest condolences to the family of the gang rape victim from Delhi. We share in their pain at the loss of their beautiful daughter who, through no fault of her own, was brutally beaten with iron rods then gang raped all the while traveling on a Delhi Public Bus” reads a statement sent to Sikh Siyasat News (SSN) by Gurpatwant Singh Pannu, legal advisor of Sikhs for Jusitce (SJF).

“These are the same buses that were used to transport death squads that raped Sikh women in broad day light during November1984 Sikh Genocide” the statement adds.

The said statement by Sikhs for Justice further reads as follows:-

“But today, the question on the mind of every Sikh is, Why the Indian Administration, Politicians and Justice System Did not Stand up for our Sikh sisters who were raped openly during first week of November 1984?”

Sonia Gandhi, made a statement that “As a woman, and mother, I understand how protesters feel,” “Today we pledge that the victim will get justice,” ?

Did Sonia Gandhi conveniently forget the vicious cycle of rape and murder let loose against the Sikh women in 1984 at the behest of her husband Rajiv Gandhi ? Hundreds of those Sikh victims are still languishing in “Widow Colony” just few miles from the Parliament of greatest democratic country without ever being visited by Sonia Gandhi or her stooge PM Manmohan.

For the last 28 years, successive Indian Governments have given open impunity to those who perpetrated violent crime of rape against Sikh women.

During the 1984 Sikh Genocide, instructions were given by local politician with the backing of Indian administration to exterminate male Sikhs in India and gang rape the Sikh women. If the women resisted rape then they were murdered too. These Death Squads were then driven around on PUBLIC BUSES and given IRON RODS along with flammable material. The Death Squads would move from one Sikh colony to another and in the presence of Indian Police, will kill the male Sikhs after beating them with IRON RODS, set them on fire and then move to gang rape ALL Sikh women!!

A girl as young as 7 were also gang raped by these death squads, no one was spared. The accounts of these vicious rapes are documented in a book called Manushi, the book is banned in India. The Sikh women were first subject to witness their sons, brothers and husbands being beaten then burned alive. The witnesses said the surviving women were forced into one room where members of these death squads would come and take one woman away, 20 minutes later bring her back naked, bleeding and with browses all over her body, then take the next Sikh girl.

This organized rape of our sisters during November 1984 continued for days and many of them were murdered. There are also many reports of Sikh women being taken away by members of these Death Squads and held as sex slaves.

The Indians Police refused to investigate these reports, the media refused to cover and the Politicians rewarded those accused of these crimes.

We would also like to ask the Indians, who are today protesting with disgust at the actions of those responsible for the gang rape, what if the government of India was to announce that all the accused of this rape will be given government ministries and appointed to positions of power? Would you be shocked, would you be angry, would you want to scream at the top of your lungs ‘THIS IS NOT JUTICE”, would start to think the government ruling your land is illegitimate and not reflective of your values, would you think of your safety and that of your families, and would you finally start to rebel against that disgusting system governing you?

Now ask yourself, how do Sikh community feel when they see Kamal Nath, Amitabh Bachchan, Sajjan Kumar, KP Gill, Sumedh Saini, Jagdish Tytler and countless others responsible for the murder and rape of our Sisters!!!

Why the Indian Administration, Politicians and Justice System did not stand up for our Sikh sisters who were raped openly during first week of November 1984?

The answer is very simple, because you are not equal to them, you are not Indian!! The Indians will never give you justice; rather, the Indians will work timelessly to criminally demonize those who try to get justices.

But we at SFJ have one question for all our readers, today the Indians are fighting for their one sister who is the victim of gang rape, but what have YOU done for your Sikh sisters who were gang raped by organized death squads with the connivance of Indian administration and never allowed to publically speak about their horrific trauma?

So we implore all our brothers and sisters who want to do something for justice, get involved! Tell your family, friends and coworkers what happened, hold small meetings on what you can do to help our sisters get justice and find a permanent solution to all the oppression faced by Sikhs in India.