Navkiran Kaur Khalra (File Photo)


A Message from the Daughter of Jaswant Singh Khalra to Sikh Youth

By editor

September 07, 2013

Vaheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa! Vaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!

Today marks the 18th anniversary of disappearance of my father, S. Jaswant Singh Khalra. It was on this day that my father was illegally abducted from our home in Amritsar and was later murdered on the orders of State Government and KPS Gill. Jaswant Singh Khalra truly lived a life of the “lamp that challenged the darkness” of injustice, state oppression and impunity. Ever since his martyrdom, S. Khalra’s work has motivated many to stand up against oppression and join the struggle for justice and freedom.

During his visits to Canada, UK and Austria, he urged the community to follow the path of GurSikhi to honor the Khalsa spirit and ultimately become the defenders of Human Rights. He wanted all of us to continue the struggle to justice and end impunity by joining with like-minded people against oppressors and tyrant Governments worldwide.

For the past 18 years, the Khalra family and Khalra Mission Organization (KMO) have received tremendous moral support from the Sikh Sangat in Punjab and in the diaspora. It is encouraging to see youth organizations like The SIkh Activist Network (SAN) who have continued to engage the next generation to agitate and educate fellow Canadians about our issues and recognizing our Shaheeds. However the story of thousands of innocent Sikh men and women who were murdered mercilessly still needs to be shared in the larger ‘Lok Kachehri’ (people’s court). With Vaheguroo’s bakhsish and support of the Sikh Sangat,we all remain committed to keep this movement alive.

Today is the day to reflect upon how we should honor the legacy of Jaswant Singh Khalra! The people of Punjab and parents of thousands of victims of State Oppression had once asked Jaswant Singh Khalra about the fate of their beloved children. Their question still echoes and the future generations will soon ask us about the role we have played in this ongoing struggle for human rights.

Although S. Jaswant Singh Khalsa is not with us today, his legacy continues not just in Punjab, but in all corners of the world where people are standing firm to end oppression and tyranny. At the end, I would request everyone to keep the lamp of justice lit so the future generations can breathe justice and peace. “Mukti de parvaaneo Shamma jagdi rakheyo!” (O passengers of liberation, keep the lamp ignited).


Navkiran Kaur Khalra