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World News

Amidst Sikkim StandOff, China issues safety advisory for its Citizens in India

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

July 09, 2017

Chandigarh: China on Saturday reportedly issued a “safety advisory” for its citizens traveling to India as well as to its nationals living in India, asking them to pay close attention to personal safety and local security.

Reports in media notes that the advisory was issued through the Chinese embassy in New Delhi. It asked Chinese travellers to India to pay close attention to the security situation and take necessary precautions.

Chinese foreign ministry officials emphasized that it is an “advisory” and not an “alert” that was issued. They didn’t clarify the difference, but it’s likely an “advisory” is milder than an “alert”.

The advisory by China comes a day after Chinese President Xi Jinping met Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi during in informal BRICS meeting in Hamburg , Germany, amidst the lengthy ongoing tension between India and China in Sikkim.

Just two days earlier, China had indicated that it was considering options on issuing a travel alert for citizens visiting India.