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Political News

Attack On Darbar Sahib: UK Sikh Group Seeks Release Of Secret Files

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

December 30, 2016

Chandigarh: Sikh activists in UK has urged the British government to release the secret files said to hold details of its involvement in an attack conducted by the Indian Army on Darbar Sahib in June 1984 , a media report said.

The Guardian while quoting the members of Sikh Federation in its Thursday edition said  that the documents will point to greater cooperation between the British and Indian governments than previously acknowledged in the June 1-7 attack to establish control over the shrine.

As per the government estimate Nearly 500 people, including civilians, were killed during the assault.

The Federation sought greater transparency over Britain’s involvement in the attack against the Sikh Fighters.

“The public has a right to know the truth about what happened 30 years ago. We believe these files are being held back – not for security reasons but for political reasons that would prove embarrassing to the Conservative Party, since it was Margaret Thatcher and her discussions with the Indian regime (that led to Britain’s cooperation),” the guardian reported while quoting Davinder Singh of the Sikh Federation as saying.

Whitehall correspondence released in 2014 said that a British SAS officer had been asked to plan the attack, which the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi approved, one letter said.

Subsequently, an inquiry ordered by former British David Cameron found no evidence of British involvement in the attack.

In addition to this the activists are of the firm believe that the closed files will shed more light on the extent of Britain’s involvement.

Furthermore, One of the four files relates to “Britain/India relations, situation in Punjab, activities of pro freedom “Sikh groups”as well as a visit to Britain by Rajiv Gandhi, who took office after his mother, Indira Gandhi, was assassinated by two of her Sikh bodyguards in October 1984 in retaliation for the Amritsar attack.

In addition to it the media reported that another file covers meetings between Margaret Thatcher and an aide to Indira Gandhi, as well as the latter’s assassination and Thatcher’s visit to India to attend her funeral. The final document is entitled simply: “India: Political”.