Special News

Attack on Indian Students in Australia – overaggressive media reporting is a contributing factor

By Tejashdeep Singh

January 27, 2010

Melbourne (January 27, 2010): Reports of attacks on students of Indian origin hit newspapers headline regularly. Australia has a multi-cultural population and in recent years many students from Asian countries have migrated here. Students of Indian origin form considerable portion of such migrant learners.

Last year Indian media suddenly started interpreting incidents of violence against such students from racism angle. As media was overaggressive in blaming Australian society as racists, more incidents are taking place.

Sukhpal Singh, who migrated from Punjab about two years back, said that ‘There are certain elements that target any one, including students of Indian origin, for their petty causes. Racism may be motivation behind some attacks but it is sure that not all attacks are outcome of racist mindset.

“I was living peacefully here for more than two years. But now I feel insecure as even many of my classmates have accused me for falsely blaming them for racism. They were angry overaggressive in blaming them for alleged racism. They think that whatever is reported by Indian media is our opinion.’ said Jatinder, a student from Sydney. ‘We may compare these attacks with incidents of robberies or snatching chains etc. that are very common on streets of various cities in India.’ he added.

“Media should investigate the matter and should report racism only after confirmation on the bases of firm evidence. Media must keep in mind that we, the students here in Oz, pay for what ever they report.’ said yet another student who belongs to Haryana. “We value the concerns of our country’s media regarding our security & safety but they should be vigilant while reporting; and must ensure that their reporting is not turning to be a contributing factor.” he added.