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BJP MLAs raise Hindutva slogans in Kashmir assembly

August 31, 2014 | By

Srinagar, Kashmir (August 31, 2014): The Legislative Assembly of Jammu and Kashmir reportedly witnessed a war of words between the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and the Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) over RSS chief’s Hindu nationality remarks. BJP legislators reportedly resorted to raising Hindutva slogans in legislative assembly of the state.

As the Question Hour started on August 30, PDP lawmaker Peerzada Mansoor drew attention of the House towards RSS chief Mohan Baghwat’s statement that ‘India is a Hindu nation and Hindutva is its identity.’ Another PDP legislator, Nizamuddin Bhat, said the House should pass a resolution to condemn Bhagwat’s remarks. “The utterances of RSS chief are unfortunate and we strongly condemn them,” Bhat said.

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Intervening, Speaker Mubarak Gul denounced the remarks of RSS chief. “India is a secular country and it belongs to people of every faith. People from all religions have rendered sacrifices for the country,” he said.

As PDP legislators continued with their protest, BJP leaders raised slogans like “ Vande Mataram” and ‘’Hindi Hain Hum, Hindustan Humara.”
The PDP leaders countered them with “Communal Agenda Hai Hai (down with communal agenda), Nagpur Agenda Hai Hai (down with Nagpur agenda).”

“Jis Kashmir Ko Khoon Se Seencha, Woh Kashmir Humara Hai (The Kashmir for which we have given our blood belongs to us),” the PDP leaders repeatedly shouted.

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