British Sikh Report

Over Seas

British Sikhs may vote more in favor of Labour than Conservative, claims British Sikh Report

By guestauthors

March 15, 2015

London: The British Sikh Report (BSR) is the only strategic document of its kind, aimed at governmental bodies and national institutions alike, which draws attention to the aspirations of the British Sikh community across a range of areas. Compiled by a collective of British Sikh professionals and academics, it is based on quantitative research and will be used to help better understand and meet the various needs of the Sikh community.

It is anticipated that the report will assist non-Sikh organisations in working with the current British Sikh population on collaborative projects. 1,000 Sikhs were surveyed for the report.

Some of the key findings in the report relate to the voting intentions of the British Sikh community in the run up to the May 2015 General Election. Nationally, 31% of British Sikhs intend to vote Labour compared to 16% for the Conservatives, 4% for the Greens, 3% for UKIP and 1% for the Lib Dems. In Scotland, 24% intend to vote for the SNP.

When asked about which issues they considered very important in Britain today, 81% of Sikhs said the state of the NHS, with 78% saying the same for the economy and 77% said education.

Two-thirds of British Sikhs (67%) want the UK to remain in the EU, and 62% believe that the UK should give asylum to all people fleeing religious persecution abroad.

Almost three-quarters of British Sikhs (74%) would like to see food labelling stating whether meat is halal or kosher. It should be noted that the eating of religious sacrificial meat is prohibited to initiated (Khalsa) Sikhs.

Ed Miliband MP, Leader of the Opposition, said, “I would like to congratulate the members of the British Sikh community who conducted and took part in the survey. It is so important to get involved in the political process and to give us an insight into your community.”

David Cameron, the Prime Minister, said “Quite simply, British Sikhs have made an incredibly positive difference to the UK. One that is truly historic and enduring.”

Jasvir Singh, chair of the British Sikh Report, commented, “The findings regarding voting intentions amongst Sikhs shows just how diverse political opinions are within the British Sikh community. The myth of ethnic minority communities voting in blocks is long dead, and this report will give strong food for thought to all political parties in the run up to May 7th who wish to engage with the British Sikh community.”

The document is to be launched at a Parliamentary event on Thursday 12th March where Peers and MPs amongst others are to speak of the positive contribution by Sikhs to British society and will discuss the findings within the British Sikh Report.