Political News

Capt. Amarinder Singh Downplays Deaths Related to Drugs; Invokes Another Theory to Defence

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

June 29, 2018

Chandigarh: Whereas as Punjab police is maintaining that the recent drugs related deaths in Punjab are caused by “cut”, which is said to be a deadly cocktail of adulterated heroin mixed with other substances, Punjab CM Capt. Amarinder Singh yesterday maintained otherwise. As per media reports, CM Amarinder Singh claimed that the death were not related to use of drugs rather the deceased persons died because of “direct injection of anti-addition medicine”.

Facing severe criticism over his government’s failure to curb the drugs menace in Punjab, Capt. Amarinder Singh maintained that his government had cut off the supply of heroin by putting more than 18 thousand drug paddlers behind the bars. Punjab CM was also under attack for being silent on drugs issue while 25 people, mostly youth, lost their life due to drugs in the state in June.

As per the Indian Express (IE), Punjab CM said: “It is not just the government’s job to get the children de-addicted. Police can send the paddlers to jails. We have set up de-addiction centres. To bring children to the de-addiction centres, it is your job, my job and a collective job. Each and every Punjabi should take responsibility of his children because it is one’s own responsibility”.