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World News

China objects to India’s road plans along border in Arunachal Pradesh

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

October 15, 2014

New Delhi, India: China today reacted strongly to reports that India plans to build a 2000-km long road in Arunachal Pradesh, asking New Delhi not to “further complicate” the dispute over the border. Indian and Chinese soldiers recent observed an intense face-off at Chumar area of Ladakh.

Indian media reports have quoted an unnamed official of India’s Ministry of Home Affairs as saying: “China has already spread their network of roads and rail network near the border. Whatever we make on our territory should not be a concern of China”.

He was futher quoted as saying that the ministry was seeking Cabinet approval for the road in Arunachal Pradesh and had preliminary support from the Prime Minister’s Office.

On the other hand the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei reportedly said: “Before the border problem is solved, we hope the Indian side will not take any action that could further complicate the relevant issue, so as to preserve the current situation of peace and stability in the border area”.

It is notable last month the Indian government had largely modified environmental norms to in order to clear this strategic road building protect.

India is concerned about China’s development of airports and extensive road and railway networks in Tibet, which can give Beijing the ability to mobilize troops quickly along the border.