General News

Israel-Palestine war: Time for the world “policeman” to do introspection and play a balanced role

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

December 30, 2023

Chandigarh- Striking an emotive chord, the Dal Khalsa said nearly 5% of Gaza’s population is now dead, wounded or missing. A genocide against Palestinians is being committed right before our eyes and the world is silent. UN Secretary General Mr. Antonio has stated that four out of five of the hungriest people anywhere in the world are in Gaza.

We wonder whether this isn’t enough for the world powers and international community to break their conspicuous silence and effectively intervene to end the hostilities in Gaza, asked the Dal Khalsa in a statement issued to the media on Saturday.

The Sikh organisation further prayed and hoped that the pain, miseries and deaths of Palestinians must end with the end of this current year (Dec 31).

In addition, the Dal Khalsa hailed the South Africa for daring to approach the International Court of Justice under the Genocide Convention with respect to Israel bombardment on the Gaza Strip.

The Israel-Palestine conflict is lingering since decades and the Palestinians are dying every day and facing untold misery and yet the governments in US and other powerful countries are not serious to find out resolution to the conflict, said Kanwar Pal Singh, party’s secretary for political affairs.

The people around the world are on streets to protest against the killings of around 22, 000 civilians, 9, 000 children, 130 UN aid workers, and 100 journalists in Gaza since this October but ironically Israel isn’t listening to saner voices, said he.

He said instead of taking initiative to bring lasting peace between Palestine and Israel, the US has unfortunately tilted towards the later. It’s a time for the world “policeman” to do introspection and play a balanced role.

Referring to US statement strongly condemning the Russian missile attack on Ukrainian people on Friday Dec 29 killing dozens of innocent people and injuring hundreds, the Dal Khalsa leader said if the US believes in international laws, laws of war and humanitarian laws, it should oppose it where ever these laws are violated and infringed unbiasedly.

We urge Five Eyes countries to base their political decisions not just on security issues or geopolitical interests but on human rights and values, said he. The suspension of hostilities now and resolution to Israel-Palestine conflict is the only way out for permanent peace in the region, said Mr Singh.