Sikh News

Eh Janam Tumahre Lekhe – an upcoming movie on Bhagat Puran Singh Ji’s life

By guestauthors

October 23, 2014

Amritsar/ Chandigarh: Bhagat Puran Singh was a selfless person. Pawan Malhotra is acting in this movie as Bhagat Puran singh. The trailer of the movie is very inspiring. In this movie his selfless service towards humanity is shown. In the trailer of the movie this is shown that how Bhagat Puran Singh have accepted all his patients as his family member and fights for shelter so that they can live with dignity and die with dignity. This movie is going to be a bash in the Pollywood and going to beat all the records. And last but not least Pawan Malhotra have done a dedicated job in this movie.

Writer, environmentalist, philanthropist, Bhagat Puran Singh is the founder of Pingalwara, a home for sick, disabled and deserted forlorn people. Post his death, All India Pingalwara Charitable Society approached Dr. Harjit Singh for making documentary on him. Dr. Harjit Singh said, “Puran Singh’s life is so fascinating that I always thought that a documentary is not enough for it”.According to Admin of the Page (All India Pingalwara Charitable Society (Regd.) Amritsar), Movie is to be released soon.

Director : Harjit Singh Producer : All India Pingalwara Charitable Society (regd.) Amritsar Story : Dr. Tejinder Singh and Dr. Harjit Singh Screenplay : Dr. Tejinder Singh and Dr. Harjit Singh Dialog : Dr. Tejinder Singh and Dr. Harjit Singh D.O.P : Anirudh Garbyal Assistant Director : Param Shiv Editor : Param Shiv Music : Gurmoh and Vicky Bhoi Visual Promotion : Just Like Studioz Poster Design : Thirsty Fish

Source: PunjabUpFilms.Com
