Special News

Existence of Death Penalty in Statute Books Justify State Killings – Usha Ramanathan

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

October 16, 2009

Chandigarh (October 16, 2009) While addressing a gathering held at Law Bhawan, Chandigarh Madam Usha Ramanathan said that very existence of death punishment in statute books legitimates killings by the State. She said that in a country like Indian which has a written constitution and provision for fundamental rights, the State treats people as ‘subjects’ and not as citizens.

Ramanathan was here to attend a seminar held by Lawyers for Human Rights International (LFHRI) on 10 October, 2009 on World Day against death penalty. She informed that while about 25,000 people (Sikhs) were being killed by armed forces of Indian State in Punjab, people were justified those killings just because of existence of death penalty in Indian law. She said that right of life and liberty has become meaningless in this country and it is evident from daily happenings.

NOTE: SikhSiyasat Network has audio recording of her speech.

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