NeverForget1984 | Image used for representational purpose only

Letters to Editor

Forgive & Forget – Why the Sikhs remember the 1984? [Letter to the Editor]

By guestauthors

November 02, 2017

by: Manjit Singh

Forgive yes, if one sincerely seeks pardon after first acknowledging the blunder, mistake or crime that was done.

Forget No, Never. Why?

The day we forget we will cease to be Sikhs, the people who were carved out of sacrifices made by the Sikh Gurus to uphold humanity and equality.

Can we forget the sacrifice of Guru Arjan Dev Jee, Of Guru Teg Bhadur jee and Sarbans dani Sri Guru Gobind Singh Jee and many more Singhs and Kaurs there after till date. (Jinna Singh Singhniya ne dharm hate sis dite…) is how we not only remember but also offer homage to our martyrs every day in our Ardas.

Celebrating and or remembering the martyrs is also a reminder to oneself and the others that justice prevails at all costs, no cost, no sacrifice is small or enough in the path of justice and uprightness, to shield the weak from the brutality of the mighty and powerful that often corrupts with greed and power.

The concept of Guru Nanak Dev Jee was and is solid till today, We stand in guard of thee, oh humanity. The Sikh is a saint first and a soldier next. The Sikhs believe and practice peace and peaceful means before restoring to the last resort to quell, subdue and or stop brutality on the common masses anywhere in the world.

A Sikh sees the same supreme soul in each and every living being. Only some habits are bad, once those bad habits are removed with the Guru’s grace the pure soul emerges again as the only prevailing good. As such Sikhs believe in addressing issues and not the person as much. When issues are addressed to a fruitful and amicable reasonable resolution the world truly becomes the peaceful and harmonious paradise we all seek, the heaven on earth so to say.

The massacre of 84 as such is and will always be fresh in the hearts of Sikhs world wide every November. It truly stands as a day to remember and celebrate our martyrs who always stood for justice and against injustice at all costs in times yesterday, as it does today and will be tomorrow.

For only the people who know to make the ultimate sacrifices shall continue to live for ever. Others will perish in time.

Come let us all take a moment of silence in remembrance of those who laid down the supreme sacrifice in the path of justice and upright living… it here in Canada or for that matter any other corner of the paradise we call mother Earth.