Photo Courtesy: Ravi Kumar | Source: HT

General News

Heavy Rainfall in Chandigarh Tiggered Rumours of Cloudburst Over Social Media

By Parmjeet Singh

August 22, 2017

Chandigarh: The tri-city, Chandigarh, Panchkula and Mohali, witnessed heavy rainfall yesterday which badly affected the traffic on city roads.

The rainfall in Chandigarh was recorded as 115 mm between 8:30 am to 11:30 am on Monday (Aug. 21). Total rainfall in the city was recorded on the day as 134 mm.

Reports in media note that there was flood like situation due to heavy rainfall in the some areas of the Chandigarh, especially at the outskirts.

Many vehicles were reportedly stranded on Mohali’s Airport road due to rain-water, notes a Punjabi vernacular.

As the images of rainwater filled roads of Chandigarh and Mohali started appearing over the social media, it triggered a rumour of cloudburst. People kept forwarding such messages carrying cloudburst rumour over Facebook and WhatsApp.