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Over Seas

India repeats rhetoric against Sikh in Canada; Media claims Canadian minister commit to curb pro-Khalistan activism

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

October 15, 2014

New Delhi: India has reportedly repeated it’s rhetoric against Sikh activists in Canada. As per Indian media reprots, India’s Minister of external affairs, Sushma Swaraj, raised the issue of pro-Khalistan Sikh activism in Canada with John Baird, Foreign Minister of Canada. John Baird is currently on visit to India.

A news reported by Indian Express (IE) says: [i]n response to New Delhi’s concerns over activities of pro-Khalistan elements in Canada, visiting Foreign Minister John Baird on Tuesday (Oct. 14) told his India counterpart, Sushma Swaraj, that his country takes the “threat of incitement” by radical elements “very seriously”.

“He acknowledged our concerns in terms of radical elements perhaps misusing opportunities available in Canada,” Indian Express quotes a Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson.

As per IE, both the leaders on Tuesday agreed that counter-terrorism was an important part of the bilateral cooperation.

When asked to comment on reports in media, a Canadian Sikh Coalition (CSC) representative told Sikh Siyasat News (SSN), CSC was currently engaged with minister’s office to know the truth of Indian media reports.

“We are currently confirming these reports with the minister’s office”, CSC representative told SSN on whatsapp.

“Indian media is known to have twisted foreign politicians’ words” he added.

It is notable that in January 2013 the then visiting Canadian Minister Jason Kenney had clarified that Sikhs in Canada raising their voice peacefully for separate Sikh state named “Khalisthan” out of India, will not be asked to leave Canada.

Indian media and Government representatives/officials had raised issue of so-called “Sikh extremists” in Canada when Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper was visiting Indian in November 2012. But PM Harper had recognized the right of Canadian Sikhs to raise their political concern or propagate the idea of separate Sikh state often named as “Khalistan” peacefully.