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Indo-Naga Political Solution Without Naga Flag and Constitution Not To Be Conclusive: NSCN (IM)

Chandigarh: A day after Indian media reports quoted Government of India’s interlocutor for talks with Nagas saying that the GoI won’t allow separate Naga flag and constitution, the NSCN (IM) president Q. Tuccu has reiterated that, “the Indo-Naga political solution without Naga flag and constitution is not conclusive and that will create a room for future headache”.

In a statement, Tuccu said he was compelled to clarify the position of the ongoing talks to all against speculations about “deadlock of negotiations, mudslinging game and rumor war” and urged people to be “aware of rumor mongers and opportunists.”

Tuccu reiterated that in keeping with the principle of democracy and sovereignty, the government of India recognised “ the sovereignty of the Nagas” and held that “sovereignty of the Nagas is with the Naga people.” Tuccu maintained that “Nagas and the Indians will not be totally separated” but that they would “live together on the basis of the principle of co-existence of two entities with shared sovereignty.”

Th Muivah at the ‘Naga Independence Day’ on August 14, 2015, 11 days after the signing of the Framework Agreement | Photo Source: Express Archive

He however stressed that it did not mean Nagas and Indians would become one entity. He said as government of India recognized that Nagas are owners of their land and its resources “beneath and above the land” and also “clearly stated that integration of the divided Naga territories is the legitimate right of the Nagas and that it will be materialized through democratic process.”

He also reiterated that by virtue of the Framework Agreement, “Nagas will coexist with the Union of India as two entities” and likened it as different kinds of flowers blooming together. He said Nagas are opposed to any forced union and at no point of time have Nagas “agreed to live within the Union of India” which has also been acknowledged all Interlocutors.

“If Government of India chooses military option to dictating the negotiating team, that will not be the end of the matter,” the statement read, according to The Imphal Press. “The issue will remain alive and kicking. The Nagas are always for a negotiated settlement based on the doctrine of mutual consent and recognition of rights.”

The NSCN(IM) also clarified that the framework agreement, signed in 2015, was the meeting point for the two sides – Indians and Nagas – and the “rallying point for the divided Nagas”. NSCN(IM) General Secretary Thuingaleng Muivah and Governor RN Ravi had signed the framework agreement in the presence of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on August 3, 2015.


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