Special News

Join the noble cause of securing release of Prof. Bhullar – LFHRI

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

September 21, 2009

LAWYERS FOR HUMAN RIGHTS INTERNATIONALon 10 October 2009, which is observed as World Day Against Death Penalty, is starting a campaign for seeking clemency from President Of India to  Devender Pal Singh Bhullar, who is at present languishing in Tihar jail, New Delhi, India……………….


Chandigarh (September 20, 2009): In a release issued by Lawyers for Human Rights International General Secretary Sirdar Navkiran Singh (Advocate) the LFHRI has requested all the human rights organizations to join the cause of release of Professor Devender Pal Singh Bhullar. We are sharing the text of release, with our visitors, that runs as follows: (Editor)

Devender Pal Singh Bhullar, who was deported from Germany on 19th Jan 1995, is languishing in Tihar Jail of Delhi since he was awarded death sentence on 25th Aug 2001. His case is a classic example of denial of Justice as he has been convicted just on the basis of his extra judicial confession, allegedly suffered by him under force and threat of the police, while he was in police custody. Even though Bhullar recanted from his so called extra judicial confession, however without any corroborative evidence he was convicted by the TADA court. In the Supreme Court of India, while hearing the appeal, 1 of the 3 judges who were hearing the appeal acquitted him of the charges, while the other 2 upheld the conviction.

Devender Pal Singh Bhullar, who was deported from Germany on 19th Jan 1995, is languishing in Tihar Jail of Delhi since he was awarded death sentence on 25th Aug 2001. His case is a classic example of denial of Justice as he has been convicted just on the basis of his extra judicial confession, allegedly suffered by him under force and threat of the police, while he was in police custody. Even though Bhullar recanted from his so called extra judicial confession, however without any corroborative evidence he was convicted by the TADA court. In the Supreme Court of India, while hearing the appeal, 1 of the 3 judges who were hearing the appeal acquitted him of the charges, while the other 2 upheld the conviction.

There are other human rights violations angles and also his failing health though at his young age of 46 years, which make out a good case for his clemency by the President of India and so an effort is being made to convince the President of India to grant him clemency.

LFHRI has been elected on the steering committee of the International body, WCADP, in its General Assembly held in Rome on 13th June 2009 and so since LFHRI now shares the responsibility to campaign for abolishing of Death Penalty in various parts of the world, where Death Penalty is still in force. We on 10th October which is observed as World Day Against Death Penalty, are starting a signature campaign in Chandigarh, India, for making a fresh clemency appeal to the President of India for release of  Devender Pal Singh Bhullar. An online petition will be launched by his mother on that day.

LFHRI seeks help from International Human Rights bodies and social organizations and likeminded individuals who stand against the Death Penalty to  start such signature campaigns throughout the world, in order to give momentum to the Campaign for seeking clemency for Devender Pal Singh Bhullar and similar situated detenus. The petition will be provided by LFHRI in the 1st week of Oct 2009, which can be got physically signed by the org and individuals who want to associate with our campaign.

Press Release for preparation of 10th October 2009 (Devenderpal Singh Bhullar Case) (.pdf Version)