All Party Sikh Coordination Committee (APSCC) addressing the press [File Photo]

General News

Kashmir: Sikhs demand transparent probe into 36 Sikh Massacre

By editor

February 04, 2014

Kashmir/ Srinagar (February 04, 2014): Expressing dismay that Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah did not mention about the killing of 36 Sikhs at Chattisinghpora in March 2000 during his meeting with Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh of All Parties Sikh Coordination Committee (APSCC) yesterday (February 03) said that killings at Chattisinghpora are closely related with the Pathribal fake encounter and killing of civilians at Brakpora.

In a press release issued from Srinagar, Jagmohan Singh Raina, Chairman All Parties Sikh Coordination Committee said that Omar Abdullah should have raised the issue of killing of 36 Sikhs at Chattisinghpora with the Prime Minister during their meeting at Jammu. Raina said that as the investigations in Chattisinghpora case have not been taken to the logical conclusion so far it would be proper to complete the probe.

“It must be understood by people at helm that the Chattisinghpora killings are closely related with Pathribal and Brakpora incidents. As such it would be prudent to take up these cases simultaneously and not in isolation. The investigations need to be completed in a transparent manner so that truth comes out,” he added.

Jagmohan Singh Raina further said that by taking up the Pathribal case with the PM, Omar Abdullah forgot to mention about the basic tragedy of killing of 36 Sikhs at Chattisinghpora in the form of a massacre. He said it would have been astute statesmanship on part of Omar to ask for total enquiry on the killing of 48 persons; 36 at Chattisinghpora, five at Pathribal and seven at Brakpora.

“Prime Minister should order for an enquiry in the disappearance of 8,000-10,000 persons over the past couple of decades in the state. Innocent killings should also be probed so that people have faith in the overall system of justice. Minorities should feel secure in India and not act as cannon fodder for mainstream politicians as has happened with respect to recent Muzaffar Nagar riots in Uttar Pradesh or genocide of Sikhs in 1984,” said Jagmohan Singh Raina.