S. Charan Jeet Singh [File Photo]

Over Seas

Killing of Sikh Leader in Peshawar: Sikh Body Urges Pakistan, US Authorities To Ensure Justice

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

May 31, 2018

Peshawar, Pakistan: In response to the killing of Pakistani Sikh leader and human rights activist Charanjeet Singh, a US based NGO named United Sikhs has urged the United States and Pakistan government to provide necessary security measures for the local Sikh community.

“Immediately after news of the atrocious crime broke, United Sikhs reached out to Pakistan Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Peshawar Mayor Muhammad Asim Khan, the U.S. Consulate, Dept. of State and Commission on International Religious Freedom to discuss the heinous violation of human rights”, the global NGO said in a written release issued yesterday (May 30).

“We call upon the government to urgently implement additional security measures to protect the Sikh community, as we are in a state of shock at this horrific crime,” said United Sikhs Pakistan Coordinator Herdyal Singh, who is related to the victim. “Our International Civil and Human Rights Advocacy legal team is actively working with local authorities to ensure the perpetrators are apprehended swiftly and justice is served. We ask anyone with any information on the attack to come forward.”

A father of three (one daughter, age 16, and two sons, ages 18 and 20), Charanjeet Singh opened his shop in Peshawar to provide for his family. He volunteered with United Sikhs on a number of international relief efforts, including assistance programs for Pakistan’s internally displaced people. He is being remembered by the community as a beloved human rights and interfaith activist.