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Leader of Liberal Democrats, Nick Clegg, writes to the Sikh Federation UK on 10th Anniversary

London, UK (October 06, 2013): It is learnt that the leader of Liberal Democrats – Nick Clegg, has congratulated Sikh Federation (UK) on it’s 10th anniversary. I a letter written to Bhai Amrik Singh, Chairman of the Sikh Federation UK, Nick Clegg writes: “Dear Mr Singh, I would like to congratulate the Sikh Federation (UK) on its 10th anniversary and on the work you have done to encourage Sikhs to take an increasing interest in mainstream politics”.

While acknowledging the contribution of the Sikhs in the British society, the leader of the Liberal Democrats further writes that: “[t]he Sikh community makes a substantial contribution to British life, and I am delighted to see Sikh Federation (UK) representing the community’s needs. It is only through better Sikh representation in politics that we will find solutions for the issues that concern the Sikh community”.

“Parliament needs to better reflect the rich diversity of British society. All the main political parties are not as diverse as they should be and I recognise the need, in local, national and European elections and when nominating members of the House of Lords, to include more individuals from underrepresented backgrounds – including Sikhs. The Liberal Democrats have taken steps towards better representing the diversity of Britain, at local level and in Parliament, but there is a clearly still work to be done in this area” Nick Clegg notes in his letter.

In the end of the letter, Nick Clegg writes: “[t]he Sikhs have through their positive work ethic integrated into British society, while maintaining their faith and identity. This is a true success story. I am proud of the British Sikhs and their contribution to UK society and look forward to a closer co-operation between the Liberal Democrats and the Sikh Federation (UK) in the years to come”.

Related Documents:

Nick Clegg’s Letter to the Sikh Federation (UK)

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