Malaysia deports a Sikh on alleged charges of links with BKI

Over Seas

Malaysia deports a Sikh on alleged charges of links with BKI

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

July 01, 2013

New Delhi, India (July 01, 2013): According to a news reported in Malaysian Sun on June 28, 2013: Malaysia has deported a Sikh citizen of India for alleged links with militant group – the Babbar Khalsa International (BKI).

As per reports Satpal Singh alias Raghvir Singh (41-years-old) was arrested in Cheras suburb of Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia, for some immigration related offence on January 4, 2013. He was reportedly sent back (deported) to India on June 27, 2013.

As per media reports the Special Task Force director Comm Datuk Mohamad Fuzi Harun said that they believe that Satpal Singh was part of a militant group called Babbar Khalsa International (BKI).

It is notable that no follow up news has been reported in any media circles in India about arrivial or suspected arrest of Satpal Singh in India.