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‘Does the media understand Khalistan?’ – SikhPA to Host Discussion on Feb. 13 in London

London: Sikh Press Association, a UK based Sikh body is going to hold a discussion event on topic ‘Does the media understand Khalistan?’. In a brief note shared with the details of the SPA said: [i]n a continuation of our open forum discussion events, the Sikh Press Association will be hosting an evening focusing on Khalistan, and specifically looking to answer the question, ‘Does the media understand Khalistan?’.

‘Does the media understand Khalistan?’ – SikhPA to Host Discussion on Feb. 13 in London

“The subject of Khalistan has been prominent in media coverage on many Sikh community issues for decades, from politics to activism and more. The Sikh Press Association wish to explore this coverage in discussion with a panel representing a wide range of views and understanding on Khalistan”, Sikh Press Association said while adding that “this event will ONLY focus on media portrayals of Khalistan and the Khalistan movement, and how this reflects upon the Sikh community”.

The event will take place at Imperial College, Skempton Building (SW7 2BB) on February 13th, 2018 from 6pm to 8.30pm (discussion starts at 6.30pm).

A specially selected panel who have regularly been discussing the topic of Khalistan in public forums will lead a discussion, with regular input of questions and opinions from the audience in attendance.

The panel comprises Shamsher Singh (spokesperson of National Sikh Youth Federation), Dr Gurnam Singh (Academic and Media figure), Jasmine Kaur (poet and activist) and Amardeep Bassey (journalist).

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