MPP Jagmeet Singh [File Photo]

Sikh News

NDP MPP Jagmeet Singh reintroduced bill for Sikh motorcycle helmet exemption

By Parmjeet Singh

September 30, 2016

Toronto, Canada (September 29, 2016): NDP MPP Jagmeet Singh (Bramalea-Gore-Malton) introduced a bill today calling for an exemption to motorcycle helmet laws for turbaned Sikhs.

“The Wynne government has an opportunity to recognize the civil rights of Sikhs in Ontario, rights that are recognized elsewhere in the country, and around the world,” Singh said. “Granting an exemption to motorcycle helmet laws for turbaned Sikhs already exist in the United Kingdom, Manitoba and British Columbia, and here in Ontario the idea is supported by members from all three parties.”

MPP Singh has tabled this same bill twice previously, as Bill 196 on May 12, 2016, and as Bill 145 on December 3, 2013.

“For over 10 years, the Sikh community has been working towards a legislated exemption for members of the Sikh faith who wear turbans when operating a motorcycle, but the Liberal government has failed to take action,” Singh said.

“There is little justification for this government to continue denying Ontario’s Sikh community the rights they already have in other jurisdictions. Ontario’s New Democrats were the first party in Ontario to recognize the Sikh