Sikh News

Punjab Police beat up Bapu Surat Singh’s son Gogi in detention cell

By guestauthors

April 13, 2015

Ludhiana, Punjab: ASI Richard Maseeh of Punjab Police today brutally beat up Bapu Surat Singh’s son Ravinderjit Singh Gogi in a police detention cell located at Ludhiana Court complex. Ravidnerjit Singh Gogi was produced in court today for the fourth time in relation to a case registered against him under sections 107/151 of Code of Criminal Procedure (Cr. P. C.). The incident took place during the lunch break in the Court.

Eye witness Bibi Sarvarinder Kaur (daughter of Bapu Surat Singh Khalsa) informed Sikh Siyasat News (SSN) over phone that on earlier court appearances the police used to kept her brother confined in detention cell while waiting for turn in the court. But today, the Punjab police named ASI Richard Maseeh brought Ravinderjit Singh Gogi outs of the detention cell at 1:30 pm under preplanned conspiracy.

“As Bhai Gogi was brought outside, the Journalists waiting outside for him started interviewing him and taking his photos. During this, the ASI Richard Maseeh started abusing Bhai Gogi”, Bibi Sarvinder Kaur said.

As soon as Bhai Gogi asked the ASI Richard Maseeh to control his words, he allegedly pushed him inside the Police Cell and brutally beat him up. The ASI punched fists on neck and back of Ravinderjit Singh Gogi.

Source told Sikh Siaysat News (SSN) that Ravinderjit Singh is now suffering from intense pain in his neck and is seeking medical treatment.

Supporters of Bapu Surat Singh Khasla who remains hospitalised under police custody, alleged that it was a pre-palled conspiracy on the part of concerned ASI to beat up Ravinderjit Singh Gogi. Punjab Government is using every foul strategy to scare Bapu Surat Singh Khalsa and his family members.

As there was lunch time in the courts there was no reason to take out Ravinderjit Singh Gogi at that time, the said.

Sources said that ASI Richard Maseeh also beat up a journalist for capturing photos of Ravinderjit Singh Gogi. This incident has clearly exposed out the brutality of Punjab Police. Punjab Police is allowed to do anything extra judicially.