Gatka instructor Avtar Singh (R) and another demonstrating gatka at Punjab University Patiala sports ground [File Photo]

Religious News

Punjabi University Patiala launches one year diploma course in Gatka

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

October 20, 2013

Patiala, Punjab (October 20, 2013): It is learnt that with a view to inculcate depth and breadth of professional coaching in martial art Gatka, the Punjabi University Patiala have launched first of its kind one year diploma course in Gatka from this academic year under an MOU signed between the University and World Gatka Federation (WGF) recently.

Disclosing this President Gatka Federation of India (GFI), affiliated with WGF, Harcharn Singh Bhullar said that 25 seats have been assigned for this course and the students would be imparted education in various Gatka forms, movements, pantras, fighting techniques, scientific and therapeutic aspects including soft skills, professional ethics and event management tactics. The curriculum was designed by the sports science department and WGF also includes practical training and thesis writing on a specific Gatka aspect.

He further added that through such academic courses, the GFI endeavours to produce sizeable world class trained community of professional Gatka sportspersons, coaches and teachers thereby preserving and promoting this age old traditional art as a recognised sport at national and international level.

With a plan to embark in professionalism, pursuit in excellence and research on Gatka, Harcharn Singh Bhullar said that the contents in diploma includes origins and history of Gatka, its significance, sports science, nutrition, anatomy, psychology and philosophy of martial art, fundamental concepts including physical and subtle technologies on which Gatka sport was based, would also be taught to the students. Under the syllabi Gatka charter, role and responsibilities of a Gatka teacher were also included.

He asserted that the diploma course would certainly inculcate professional coaching in Gatka, fitness styles, philosophies, methods and strategies of martial art among the students thereby render in capacity building, cultivate knowledge and develop expertise in Gatka teaching as per specified Gatka rules.

Harcharn Singh Bhullar further elaborated that this one year course was designed to cultivate an appropriate traditional martial art lifestyle amongst the trainees and effectuate in employability as Gatka coach, trainer, instructor, official or Gatka teacher/administrator in the educational institutions in the country and abroad. Besides, this course would actualise to earn livelihood by opening certified Gatka training centres and schools on one hand and preservation and promotion of traditional culture on the other side.