Over Seas

Sangat TV covered live the Birmingham riots

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

August 09, 2011

Birmingham (August 09, 2011): Birmingham based Sikh TV channel, “Sangat TV” switched to live news coverage of the riots and unrest in Birmingham.

Sangat TV, which broadcasts free-to-air on Sky Digital 847, showed live scenes from Soho Road, Handsworth, from just before midnight. The footage also included a police station next to Holyhead School in Handsworth being set ablaze.

Sangat TV and Sikh Channel both ran straps urging viewers to “protect local Gurdwaras from riots in Birmingham and London” after a Gurdwara was reportedly attacked in Birmingham.

Sangat TV reporters attepted to gain access to cordoned parts of Soho Road but due to the extent of the violence, the media was not allowed there.

“Out of the vast number of Asian TV channels on the digital satellite platform, only Sangat TV opted to run updates live from the ongoing devastation” Bizasia reports.