Political News

Sikh Body Writes to US President Donald Trump on Kashmir and CAA, Debunk India’s “Internal Matter” Argument

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

February 22, 2020

Amritsar: Making a fervent appeal to US president Donald Trump prior to his scheduled visit to India, the Dal Khalsa urges the United States to debunk India’s hollow arguments that whatever it does to its minorities is its internal matter. The organization has urged Trump to exert pressure on India to ensure respect for human rights of struggling nationalities and acceptance of their right to sovereign self-rule through the right to self-determination.

In a letter to visiting head of the US, who is on his first visit to the country, the leader of the Punjab based party apprised him of how the Modi dispensation was using the state’s full might to spread terror on university students, scholars and dissenters, while showing its timid “Gandhian face” to the international community.

The letter, which was sent via US Ambassador to India, was shared with the media by Kanwar Pal Singh and other office bearers at a press conference held at party office here today.

“As you would be descending on Indian soil, your friend Narendra Modi and his party -Bharatiya Janata Party -continues its march against minorities and nationalities”, writes Kanwar Pal Singh, in a communique addressed to Mr Trump and sent to him through US Embassy at Delhi. Bringing to his notice the volatile situation in India as a result of the Indian Parliament stripping Jammu and Kashmir of its autonomous status and amending Citizenship laws to exclude Muslims.

Dal Khalsa spokesman said anti-Pakistan, anti-Muslim and anti-minority euphoria was on full swing to polarize society on communal lines.

The hardliner Sikh body urged United States to take a lead in playing a pro-active role to protect the rights of oppressed peoples and nations residing in this region.

We believe as a leader of the world, the US cannot afford to take sides. “Mr President your photo opportunities with Narendra Modi were being exploited by India to continue subjugation of a large section of Indian society and repression against Kashmiris in particular”, reads the letter.

Referring to Washington’s huge trade interests with New Delhi, he said even if the United States takes the only-trade argument, India as a restful place, always on the brink of stress and public outcry does not lend itself well for growth of trade and prosperity for private firms as well as foreign governmental participation.

Hitting out at India’s march to become a professedly Hindu country, he said the BJP’s march towards Hindu India was a direct threat to our identity and existence. If not stopped, it would lead to dangerous repercussions. Things have reached a pass where the Indian administration and the executive have turned bigots and the judiciary and the army play a clear subservient role to the executive, creating a dangerous paradigm for survival of democracy and peoples’ rights.

Responding to a query, Dal Khalsa leaders said when the US is talking with Afghan Taliban to restore peace in the region, why Indian state is stubborn to not talk with people, who are struggling for their independence.