British Prime Minister Theresa May [File Photo]

World News

Sikh Federation (UK)’s Reaction to British PM Theresa May’s Expected Resignation

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

May 24, 2019

London: British Prime Minister Theresa May set to give in to pressure and announce she is resigning as Prime Minister. The starting gun on a leadership race for the Conservative Party and the next Prime Minister is expected to be fired today that could see a new Prime Minister in place by the end of July.

In a written statement issued by Gurjeet Singh, National Press Secretary of Sikh Federation UK, Bhai Amrik Singh, the Chair of the Sikh Federation (UK) reacting to the news expected later this morning said:

“The Sikh community is ready to engage with each of the main candidates over the next two months. We are offering to engage with each of the main candidates by offering them the opportunity to meet in one of five locations across the UK.”

“We want to ask face to face what Boris Johnson, Jeremy Hunt, Sajid Javid, Dominic Raab, Rory Stewart, Esther McVey, Andrea Leadsom or Amber Rudd what new they have to offer the Sikh community on our key issues.”

“However, a general election could be around the corner and we will make sure the Sikh community is better placed to influence all political parties via a revamped Sikh Manifesto and 135 seats where the Sikh vote will matter next time around.”

“We want to build on the two Sikh MPs elected in the snap election in 2017, by getting three or four more by having more suitable candidates in winnable seats. We also want to see the main political parties, especially Labour have effective and visible Sikh representation in the Lords.”