File Photo: Sikhs were burnt alive during 1984 Sikh Genocide

Political News

Sikh genocide 1984 – Indian political class playing narrow selfish politics over dead Sikhs, says Dal Khalsa

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

January 30, 2014

Amritsar, Punjab (January 30, 2014): Firing a salvo against national parties including Congress & BJP, the Dal Khalsa said both parties representing Indian polity were playing narrow selfish politics over the dead Sikhs and Muslims of Delhi 1984 and Gujarat 2002 carnage respectively.

Cautioning the Sikhs not to get swayed by so-called sympathetic statements of both Congress & BJP, Dal Khalsa leader Kanwar Pal Singh said these politicians have scant respect for human rights, rule of law and justice.

He said Sikh Diaspora has cried hoarse for the last 30 years, that such gross injustice should shame the New Delhi, but to no avail.

Claiming that all possible forum of redress within India had been exhausted by the victim families and human rights lawyers, he said Sikhs have lost faith in India’s justice system, hence the United Nations is the last hope left for the aggrieved community.

Commenting on Delhi government’s decision to constitute Special Investigation Team (SIT) to probe Nov 1984 massacre, Singh said a string of inquiry commissions and committees set up by the government of India so far has been unable to uncover the truth and also prosecute the high and mighty conspirators and perpetrators. He was skeptical that whether the SIT would be of any use.

About AAP leadership, he said it would be too early to judge their intentions and approach vis-à-vis Sikh concerns. “At this juncture, we could only say that Sikhs would have to be very, very cautious in dealing with the AAP”.

He slammed Rahul Gandhi for speaking white lie that Congress government tried to stop massacre of Sikhs in Nov 1984. Dal Khalsa spokesperson said it was both the Congress government and the Congress party that engineered the 1984 Delhi carnage. “Even the sinister role of Rahul’s father Rajiv Gandhi is an open secret”.

He said while Congress was on the fore front to organize the bloodshed of innocent Sikhs in Delhi and elsewhere, the lumpen and frenzied elements from the RSS and BJP also took part in the carnage. “Hands of both the parties are dipped in the blood of innocent Sikhs and Muslims”.