
Sikh Raj Explained by Dr Sewak Singh — Speech at Mata Sundari College (Delhi)

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

October 24, 2024

On August 17, 2024, the International Institute for Gurmat Studies and Sangeet Academy held an event titled “Nanak Raj Chalaya” at Mata Sundari College in Delhi. Dr. Sewak Singh graced the occasion and shared his insights. Addressing the audience, he discussed how Sikhs can achieve a superior state by adhering to the path laid out by the first Guru, Guru Nanak Dev Ji. He attributed the historical establishment of Sikh kingdoms—twice in the past, which stood as paragons of the world’s finest state systems—to the philosophical tenets, principles, and way of life advocated by the Gurus, along with their vision for the welfare of all (Sarbat da Bhala). The key, he noted, was in following the Gurus’ teachings and valuing the scriptures they provided. He also referenced four or five out of hundreds of global scriptures that have the potential for retribution or are capable of it. Elaborating on the management of Gurdwaras during the global diseases or disruptions that have arisen in the present times, he said that where the governments have failed, every kind of help was given by the Gurdwara Sahibs to the entire people without any selfishness or discrimination. Today, despite millions of shortcomings, if we talk about the best arrangements, then the arrangements of the Sikhs are the best. This is the first part of his speech. We will share the second part with you soon. You listen to it and share it with others.