Ravinderjit Singh Gogi in police custody; at left is the police officer accused of beating Gogi

Sikh News

Sikh Youth Front sees political conspiracy behind attack on Bapu Surat Singh’s US citizen son

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

April 16, 2015

Amritsar, Punjab: A Sikh youth organisation named the Sikh Youth Front today maintained that police assault and manhandling of Ravinder Jeet Singh Gogi was planned at political level.

In a written statement sent to the Sikh Siyasat News (SSN), SYF president Dr. Sharnjit Singh Rataul said that the Punjab government was biased agianst Bapu Surat Singh Khalsa’s struggle for Sikh political prisoners and attack on Ravinderjit Singh Gogi was aimed at terrorizing sympathisers of the struggle.

SYF president, who recently visited Ravinderjit Singh Gogi in Ludhiana Jail, said that Bhai Gogi told him that ASI Richard Maseeh was acted under a special conspiracy to attack him.

Dr. Rataul said that it was clear from the circumstances which Bhai Gogy narrated to him that the intention of the government was to instigate the Sikh Youth by this act, so that the peaceful struggle of Bapu Surat Singh Khalsa could be detracted.

Bhai Gogi told me that he was hit with metal chains and rifle butts on April 13 by ASI Richard Maseeh, he said while adding that Bhai Gogi is currently suffering from severe pain in his shoulders and neck, but the government is not providing him medical treatment.

It is noteworthy that Bhai Ravinderjit Singh Gogi (son of Bapu Surat Singh Khalsa) was brutally thrashed in police detention cell of Ludhiana court complex by ASI Richard Maseeh.

Gogi is under preventive detention on allegedly false charges u/sections 107/151 of Code of Criminal Procedure (Cr. P. C.)