Protest Rally by Sikhs for Justice

Over Seas

Sikhs protest during Obama-PM Singh meeting – Manmohan’s Policy of “Cash for Bullet” resulted in “Genocide” of Sikhs: SFJ

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

September 29, 2013

Washington DC (September 27, 2013): While President Obama hosted PM Singh, hundreds of Sikhs rallied outside White House protesting against Manmohan Singh for approving “Cash rewards” to cops for torture and extra judicial killings of Sikhs in Punjab.

Reminding US President of the State Departments 1993 Country Report on Human Rights Practices in India, extensively covering and acknowledging extra judicial killings and custodial deaths of Sikhs, rights group in its communiqué has urged Obama to question PM Singh on his role in torture and extra judicial killings of Sikhs and his incessant policy of impunity towards killer cops and leaders of his party who participated in human rights violations.

The participants of the “Justice Rally” who came from across America and Canada chanted slogans calling PM Singh an “arsonist” instead of “economist” demanding Obama administration to tread carefully while dealing with PM Singh.

The protestors were carrying coffin of Jaswant Singh Khalra, (1952-1995) a known human rights activist from Punjab who was abducted, tortured and murdered by KPS Gill, the then Director General of Punjab Police. Before being tortured to death in 1995, Khalra had uncovered the record of thousands of unidentified Sikhs who were extra judicially killed in counter insurgency operations approved and funded by PM Singh.

Legal advisor to “Sikhs for Justice” (SFJ), attorney Gurpatwant Singh Pannun stated that as a result of “cash for bullet” policy funded by PM Singh, more than hundred thousand Sikhs were extra judicially murdered by Punjab Police, Central Reserve Police Force, Border Security Force and other security forces in Punjab. US courts have been acknowledging persecution of Sikhs in the hands of security forces by granting asylum to thousands of survivors and their family members.

We gathered at the White House to expose the real face of Manmohan Singh who during his tenure as Finance Minister (1991-96) is responsible for funding genocide of Sikhs in Punjab and since 2004 is responsible for shielding the perpetrators of November 1984 Sikh Genocide, stated attorney Pannun.

According to Yadwinder Singh, coordinator American Gurudwara Parbandhak Committee (AGPC), voices of Sikh victims of Genocide have been muzzled in India, however, we will continue to pursue perpetrators and their sponsorers around the world.

The rights group “Sikhs for Justice” (SFJ) has already filed a human rights violation law suit against PM Singh in Washington Court under Alien Tort Claims Act (ATCA) and Torture Victim Protection Act (TVPA) for funding several counter insurgency operations in Punjab during 1990’s resulting in more than hundred thousand Sikhs being killed extra judicially by security forces. PM Singh will have 21 days after service of Summons on him to the defend allegations before Washington Federal Court.