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Sikh Diaspora

Afghanistan: Slain Sikh Leader’s Son Leading in Prelim Poll Results

As per media reports, Narender Singh Khalsa has secured a seat in the Lower House of the Parliament (Wolesi Jirga), according to Afghanistan Election Commission's preliminary results.

How to Restore Supremacy of Akal Takht Sahib? Speech of Harinder Singh USA on #FreeAkalTakht

Samvad, a discussion forum, held an interaction with Sikh Educationist, Activist and Thinker S. Harinder Singh (Sikh Research Institute, USA) on #FreeAkalTakht initiative.

Sikh Education Council and Barrister Mukhtiar Singh Awards £4,000 ‘Guru Nanak Social Mobility Scholarship’

The Sikh Education Council (UK) and Mukhtiar Singh, an Employment and Commercial Barrister, have announced the result of the inaugural Guru Nanak Social Mobility Bar Scholarship.

Sikhs Want Canadian Government to Put Controversial Report on Hold Pending Review

The BC Sikh Gurdwaras Council, Ontario Sikhs & Gurdwaras Council and the Ontario Gurdwaras Committee, representing the interests of Sikhs in Canada, last week gathered to discuss the 2018 Public Report on The Terrorism Threats to Canada.

UK Chief Statistician Unable to Answer Simple Question on Census White Paper About Support for a Sikh Ethnic Tick Box

On Wednesday Preet Kaur Gill MP, the Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for British Sikhs raised the issue with Chloe Smith, the Cabinet Office Minister on the floor of the House of Commons.

US Sikh body Welcomes Sajjan Kumar’s Sentencing; Demands Prosecution of Kamal Nath and Amitabh Bachhan

The Sikh Coordination Committee East Coast (SCCEC) has welcomed the conviction of Sajjan Kumar in 1984 Sikh Genocide case announced by the Delhi High Court.

Canadian Sikh Diaspora Unites to Seek Removal of Unfounded Remarks Maligning Image of Sikhs and Khalistan

On December 16, 2018 a meeting was called at Malton Gurdwara Sahib in the Greater Toronto Area regarding the Liberal Governments use of the term “Sikh (Khalistani) Extremism” in their “2018 Public Report on the Terrorist Threat to Canada.”

ONS Say No To Call For a Sikh Ethnic Tick Box for British Census

National Statistics (ONS) of UK have made recommendations for the content of the 2021 Census, which was published in a White Paper titled, ‘Help Shape Our Future: The 2021 Census of Population and Housing in England and Wales’.

Sikhs Confident of Securing Support of Majority of MPs to Include Sikh Ethnic Tick Box in Census 2021

The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for British Sikhs has just issued the statement below about the Census White Paper that was published yesterday.

BC Sikh Gurdwaras Council and Ontario Gurdwaras Committee Express Serious Concerns Over Report Maligning Canadian Sikhs

The British Columbia Sikhs Gurdwaras Council and Ontario Gurdwaras Committee has issued following statement on issue of addition of “Sikh (Khalistani) Extremism” in Public Safety Canada’s 2018 Public report.

Canada Government Has Disappointed the Sikh Nation: says Dal Khalsa

Dal Khalsa urges Canadian Government to with­draw the un­sub­stan­ti­ated men­tion of Sikh (Khalistani) Extremism in its 2018 Pubic Safety Report on the Terrorism threat to Canada.

Canadian MP Randeep S. Sarai Tells Canada Govt. To Remove Unfounded “Sikh (Khalistani) Extremism” from Public Safety Report

In the entirety of the report, there is no cause to show that there is any such risk, rise, or threat of Sikh (Khalistani) Extremism in Canada or abroad. It is not mentioned in either of the prior reports done in 2016 and 2017. Therefore, to add such a group as a concern without showing a cause or factual evidence, incorrectly identifies them as a threat.

SGGS Satikar Committee UK Statement on Beadbi Incident at Gurdwara Sahib Hounslow (London)

The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Satikar Committee regarding an incident which took place at Gurdwara Sahib in Hounslow (London) and which resulted in beadbi of Guru Granth Shaib.

Sikh Body Shots Letter to Canada’s Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale Over Maligning of Sikh Community

The World Sikh Organization of Canada (WSO) has written a letter to Canada's Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale on the maligning of the Sikh community in the recently released 2018 Public Report on the Terrorism Threat to Canada. 

Sikh (Khalistan) Extremism” – Continuing Indian Interference in Sikh Affairs in Canada

This is the first time that reference to “Sikh Extremism” has been made in this particular report and it is done so multiple times, including the 1st paragraph of the Executive Summary and in a paragraph immediately after outlining what the principal threat to Canada’s security is. It is highly irresponsible of those writing this report to first place the Sikh community within the report with such little context provided and then further place our community name in such significant places within the report so as to give prominence to the supposed “threat” we pose.

Public Safety Canada Terror Report Maligns Canadian Sikhs

Addition of imagined “Sikh extremism” to the 2018 Public Report on the Terrorism Threat to Canada is a cause of concern for the Sikh diaspora in Canada who are facing continuous propaganda by the Indian state which aims to malign their image.

University of Ottawa introduces New Sikh Diaspora and Punjabi Language Courses

The University of Ottawa’s  Faculty of Arts has introduced new courses in Punjabi language and Sikh Diaspora.

Security Report Raises Spectre of Indian Interference in Sikh Canadian Affairs

The release of a special security report by the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians on Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s trip to Indian sub-continent earlier this year raises many troubling questions about foreign interference, particularly with respect to the reputation of the Sikh community in Canada and unfounded allegations of Sikh "extremism".

R.A.S.E. Release of Report on Grooming of Sikh Girls in UK

A press conference will take place on Monday 3rd December 2018 at 12pm at the Lecture Theatre of Guru Nanak Gurdwara Smethwick, 128-130 High Street, Smethwick, B66 3AP where the Racially Aggravated Sexual Exploitation of Sikh Girls (R.A.S.E.) report will be released.

FSO Welcomes Kirpan Decision by UK, Initiative of Pakistan on Kartarpur Sahib Corridor

The Federation of Sikh Organizations (UK) has welcomed the decision of British government to allow Sikhs to carry Kirpan without limitations of its size. FSO leaders Bhai Kuldeep Singh Chaheru, Loveshinder Singh Dallewal and Joga Singh said in a written statement that the Kirpan has special significance for the Sikhs and it is good that the government has decided to remove Kirpan from list of offensive weapons.

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