Sikh News

Takht Patna Sahib to take out yatra of Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s relics

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

July 06, 2015

Patna Sahib, Bihar: After the Shiromani Gurdwara Prabhandak Committee (SGPC) and the Punjab Government, the management of Takhat Sri Harmandar, Patna Sahib has decided to take out a countrywide Yatra showcasing relics of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. The Yatra will provide an opportunity to the Sikh devotees to see the relics.

The idea behind the yatra is to create mass awareness about the congregation, said Sajendra Singh, general secretary of the Takht management committee.

The relics preserved in the Patna Sahib gurdwara include a small sword carried by the Guru as a child, four arrows he used to break pots, a baghnakh khanjar (dagger) and his khadau (footwear) made of ivory.

“Most of these items are kept in a glass casing at the Takht Sahib. But this is the first time they will be on display for public viewing across the country,” said a member of the management committee.

He added that about 20 lakh devotees were expected to assemble for the Guru’s 350th birth anniversary celebrations.