Protest Rally at Idinthakarai, Tamil Nadu on April 18, 2013

General News

Tamil Nadu: People’s Movemenmt Against Nuclear Energy held a massive rally opposing execution of Prof. Bhullar

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

April 18, 2013

Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu (April 18, 2013): The People’s Movement Against Nuclear Energy (PMANE) has joined millions and millions of Indian citizens, especially the people of Punjab, in their earnest appeal opposing of execution of Professor Devenderpal Singh Bhullar.

The PMANE held a massive agitation against proposed execution of Prof. Devenderpal Singh Bhullar on April 18, 2013 at Idinthakarai, Tirunelveli in Tamil Nadu.

The agitation at Idinthakarai started around 12 noon to save the life of Professor Bhullar and to express our strong opposition to death penalty in India.

“Even as humane values and considerations are disappearing fast in India as we witness on the streets of New Delhi, in the tunnel of Jaipur and all over the country in the forms of indiscriminate killings, gang rapes, plundering public money and immorality in public life, we are unfortunate to have a President who mindlessly and thoughtlessly signs off every death penalty-related petition like a merciless Merchant of Venice”, reads a statement by PMANE.

“India is a land of religions, philosophy and wisdom and not a jungle of brutal, barbaric and heartless killers. Let us save Professor Bhullar’s life, do away with shameful death penalty and prove to the world that we are an ancient civilization that values all forms of life and Nature” the April 17 release by PMANE reads further.