SJF Memorandum to Indian PM


Treat death penalty cases equally: SJF ask Indian PM to abandon double standards

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

June 28, 2012

New York (June 27, 2012): Sikhs for Justice (SFJ) is a human rights organization, submitted a memorandum to PM Manmohan Singh urging to abandon the “double standard” practiced by his government on the issue of “Death Penalty”.

Comparing the cases of Sarabjit Singh who is on “Death Row” in Pakistan and Professor Bhullar who is on “Death Row” in India, the memorandum submitted to PM Singh exposes stark contradiction in India’s stand on the issue of “Death Penalty”. The memorandum urges Government of India to take a uniform stand on the issue of “Death Penalty” following the UN General Assembly Resolution 62/149 of 2008 which calls upon all states that maintain the death penalty to completely abolish it reminding that the use of the death penalty undermines human dignity and any miscarriage or failure of justice in the implementation of the death penalty is irreversible and irreparable.

While SM Krishna External Affairs Minister of India is leading a campaign to secure the release of Sarabjit Singh from the custody of Pakistan on the other hand P. Chidambaram, Union Home Minister has recommended for execution of Professor Bhullar. Sarabjit Singh was involved in bomb blasts in Lahore and Faisalabad in which several innocent civilians were killed. Professor Bhullar is on “Death Row” in India for past seventeen years based on a confessional statement obtained through torture in Police custody.

According to attorney Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, legal advisor to SFJ, Government of India must abandon the double standards on the issue of “Death Penalty” and treat the cases of Sarabjit Singh and Professor Bhullar uniformly and follow the UN General Assembly Resolution 62/149 of 2008 which calls upon all states that maintain the death penalty to completely abolish it. Government should. “If the Government is honest about securing the release of Sarabjit Singh then before asking for his release from Pakistan, it must first set an example by commuting the death sentence of Professor Bhullar”, added attorney Pannun.

Why Government of India is forcefully lobbying with Pakistan Government for the commutation of death sentence of Sarabjit Singh while at the same it is determined to execute Professor Bhullar right in its own capital, questioned attorney Pannun. It is evident that Congress ruled Government of India is using Sarajbit Singh’s case only to win some popularity among Sikh community which has distanced itself from the party since the June 1984 attack on Golden Temple and November 1984 Genocide of Sikhs, stated attorney Pannun.