Over Seas

UK Sikhs & Kashmiris slam India’s colonialism; Protest outside High Commission upset Indian officials

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

August 17, 2012

London, England (August 16, 2011): As per media reports leading Sikh and Kashmiri organisations held a joint protest outside India’s High Commission in London on Indian Independence Day, in a robust show of solidarity which upset Indian officials.

Terming Indian control over Kashmir and Khalistan modern-day colonialism, the protesters highlighted the gross violations of Sikh and Kashmiri civil and political rights since 1947. They labelled the use of systematic, massive human rights violations, amounting to genocide, the hallmarks of a failed state and vowed to secure justice, freedom and sovereignty for their respective nations. For those who must carry legal accountability for the abuses, the organisers pointed to the increasing effectiveness of international criminal tribunals in bringing perpetrators of atrocities to justice. Council of Khalistan President Amrik Singh Sahota urged the international community to pay heed to the voice of the Sikhs and the Kashmiris in their homelands, so that regional peace could be secured in what remains a deeply troubled part of the world. Permanent Indian membership of the UN Security Council could not be entertained whilst it continued its policies of aggression and subjugation towards tens of millions of people and flouted international law, he said.

India has officially disputed that self-determination applies to the peoples in the territories it controls, and the UN Human Rights Committee has castigated that stand as an unacceptable breach of India’s UN obligations. United Khalsa Dal and Dal Khalsa UK and other Sikh groups participated in the protest which featured strong calls for the immediate release of all Sikh political prisoners, including Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana and others facing execution. Professor Nazir Shawl of the Kashmir Centre, together with Kashmiri representatives from across the UK, reaffirmed their commitment to a peaceful resolution of the conflict in the disputed territory, based on self-determination.