Over Seas

United Sikhs Kicks Off Its 3rd Annual Advocacy & Humanitarian Aid Academy

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

July 07, 2016

Washington DC, USA: As per a recent release by the Untied Sikhs, the US based NGO kicked off its third annual Advocacy and Humanitarian Aid Academy in Washington, D.C on July 6.

“The Academy is an intensive six-day training program in which young students from around the world interact with government officials, advocates and members of some of the most reputable civil rights organizations in the United States”, reads the statement.

“At the Academy, these young students learn and build important communication and civic skills that will give them a competitive edge in politics, law, business, civil rights advocacy and education. Applications from the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada made this a very competitive application process this year”, the statement reads further.

Students of the Academy will be inspired and trained by the following distinguished speakers:

According to the Untied Sikhs, Young Academy participants are afforded a great education and a one-of a-kind experience that is expected to inspire them to become leaders.