Parkash Singh Badal


US Court summons served to Parkash S. Badal personally – response due by August 30th

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

August 10, 2012

New York: (August 9, 2012): The visiting Chief Minister of the Indian State of Punjab, Parkash Badal was “Served Personally” with the summons issued by the US District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin in a human rights violation case (12-c-0806). The August 09 Proof of Service signed by Christopher G. Kratochvil, a professional process server from “State Processing Service Inc.”, states that “I personally served on Parkash Singh Badal, Indian Citizen, and CM of Punjab at Oak Creek High School, Wisconsin”.

As per the Federal law, Badal has until August 30th to respond to US Court Summons that alleges police custodial torture and shielding the Police officers responsible for the extra judicial killings and continuous human rights violations against the Sikh community in Punjab. If Badal failed to respond to the Summons in the stated time, the US Court may enter a judgment by default holding him responsible for torture, extra judicial killings and impunity to police officers. The court may also award compensatory, punitive and exemplary damages as sought by the victims in the civil lawsuit.

According to attorney Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, legal advisor to Sikhs For Justice (SFJ), “With the service of summons to CM, victims of police torture from Punjab will finally have a day in the court making Badal and police officers under his command accountable for torture and extra judicial killings”, added attorney Pannun.

SJF and SAD (Amritsar) have approached the Obama Administration asking for initiation of criminal proceedings against CM Badal under the provisions of the Human Rights Enforcement Act of 2009 (HREA) for commanding a police force that routinely commits gross human rights violations and torture. In 2009, US Congress enacted the HREA which directs the US administration to prosecute individuals who are suspected of serious human rights violations [Section 509(B)(1)].

The lawsuit against CM Badal, who is currently in the United States on a private trip, has been filed under Alien Torts Claims Act and Torture Victims Protection Act on the charges of custodial torture and shielding the Police officers who are responsible for torture, extra judicial killings and continuous human rights violations against the Sikh community in Punjab.