Political News

We swear by sovereign self-rule for Sikhs – Dal Khalsa

By Sikh Siyasat Bureau

April 15, 2010

Hoshiarpur (April 14, 2010): Sharply differing with Akali leadership in addressing the issues dogging the Sikh identity, the Dal Khalsa on the auspicious occasion of Khalsa Sajna Divas (birth of Khalsa) talked of unfinished agenda of sovereign self-rule for Sikhs.

The Khalsa Panth is not just a religious body but also a sovereign political entity. Throughout the centuries, the Sikhs have had a unique place among the people of world, developing into a distinct nation in their own right. The concept of sovereignty and statehood is a fundamental part of our very existence.

Resolution to this effect was adopted at a meeting of office bearers held under the leadership of H S Dhami to commemorate birth anniversary of the Khalsa Panth.

The resolution further reads, “Today is our National day. Though British suspended the political sovereignty of the Sikh Nation with the annexation of Punjab in 1849 yet we, the Sikhs, remain a Nation though subjugated. Sikhs as a nation has been struggling for its freedom against all odds, refusing to submit to those who aim to eliminate their identity”. In another resolution the conference demanded commuting of death sentence of Prof Devinder Pal Singh Bhullar and release of all political prisoners including Bhai Daljeet Singh languishing in jails since long.

The Dal Khalsa that traces its roots to Baisakhi incident in which 13 Sikhs were gunned down by neo-Nirankaris in Amritsar 32 years ago, urged Sikh groups to foster unity to achieve the Sikh goal for independence. The president opined that the community that has sacrificed fifty thousand youth can’t abandon its aims and goals half-way.

Reasserting their unique identity, the gathering appealed to Sikhs to reject the imposition of Hindi language, Hindu Marriage Act, Bollywood culture and influx of migrants into the state which if not checked would reduce the Sikhs to a minority in their own homeland and alter the identity of Punjab forever.

“Need of the hour is to shun all differences and promote brotherhood in the society,” he said. Referring to the clash of ideologies over the Nanakshahi calendar and authenticity of Dasam Granth in the recent past, he said, “Enemy agencies are hatching conspiracies to divide us on religious lines. We have to remain united to foil their nefarious designs.” He appealed the religious leadership of the community to end confusion on the maryada issues and revoke their arbitrary decision of mixing Nanakshahi with Bikrami calendar.

Prominent amongst others who were present includes Kanwar Pal Singh, Dr Manjinder Singh, Ranbir Singh, Gurdeep Singh, Baldev Singh Ajnala and Dr Arpal Singh.