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British link with June 1984 attack – Sikh body writes to PM Cameron; Expresses shock – demands clear statement

Amritsar, Punjab (January 15, 2014): It is learnt that a Sikh body, Dal Khalsa, has written a letter to Mr. David Cameron, Prime Minister of United Kingdom to express its pain, concern and anguish over the startling revelations as to how the then UK government under Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher helped Indian government to attack Golden Temple, the holiest shrine of the Sikhs at Amritsar in June 1984.

The letter written by party’s spokesperson Kanwar Pal Singh has been sent through, the High Commissioner,British Embassy, New Delhi.

It reads: “The news report about the secret document from British National Archives revealing the UK government collaborating with Indian government to plan the attack has shattered the Sikhs from within. The Sikh Diaspora is deeply hurt and the news has left them numbed”.

Kanwar Pal Singh (Dal Khalsa)

“It was this attack on Sikh faith that resulted in alienation of the Sikhs from the Indian state. It also changed the course of their history. They embarked on the course of struggle to free themselves from Indian slavery and their struggle continues”, reads the letter.

Kanwar Pal Singh said the document reveals that India sought the support and the UK government obliged. However it is silent as to what extent and in what shape the support and succor was provided. The letter has sought details of the secret deal, urging the UK PM to give crystal clear statement on the issue.

The letter further reads: UK is regarded as the cradle of democracy. Sikhs expect that in the highest traditions of democracy, the UK govt will not hide any facet of their direct or indirect involvement in planning the attack and suppressing the Sikhs during and after 1984.

He said, thirty years after the attack, Sikhs are shocked to hear that UK sided with perpetrators of the attack. Sikhs feel cheated as they had trusted the United Kingdom in their pursuit for justice and freedom. Tens of thousands of Sikhs have made UK their permanent home and contributed a lot in the overall development of your country in all spheres.

However, he said it would be ungrateful on the part of Sikhs to deny that the successive UK governments have not provided them space and freedom to air their dissenting views and voice their concerns on rights violations.

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