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BSSF come out in support of “Singh Better then King”.

London (December 2, 2009): Babbu Mann new album “Singh Better than King” and especially a song “Ek Baba Nanak Se” is a matter of popular discussion in Punjab. Some Sikh preachers have criticized the song as well as Babbu Mann. But many Sikh organizations are coming forward to extend their support for initiative taken by the singer.

Now the British Sikh Student Federation came out in support of Babbu Maan. A press release issued by BSSF media secretary Harminder Singh it is said that the manner in which the whole issue has been blown out of proportion and hijacked for vested interests is all too common with the Sikh nation. The Main Song that was brought into controversy, “IK Baba Nanak Si” directly attacked and exposed the wrong-doings of fake “Baba’s” as well as attacked the practice of VIP treatment that many “Baba’s” use in India, especially Punjab.

Surprisingly, whilst most people took the attack of fake “Gurudom” to be upon the likes of Rapist Saadh’s Ram Rahim (Sirsa), Ashutosh (Normahelleya) and Bhanyariwala. A must respected and venerated Sikh Preacher; Sant Baba Ranjit Singh Ji Dhandrianwale took personal exception to this particular song and even went to the extent of calling Babbu Maan a “Roda Poda” i.e. a person with cut hair. A question that must arise in all minds is how a “Roda Poda” would be interested in becoming a Saabat Surooat Sikh if those that already are, abuse and offend them?

The British Sikh Student Federation fully supports the mission of genuine Preacher’s who have taken up the responsibility of holding large samagams and initiating many thousands into the Khalsa Fold however at the same time are dead against any person who abuses the prestigious position of a Sikh Preacher.

Babbu Maan did not directly attack any Sikh Sant or Baba but he has been attacked by many till date. In regards to “Kar Seva” there have been numerous cases of  Kar Seva Wale Baba’s being accused or caught out for pocketing some of the donations or using cheap materials for the construction of Gurdwara’s whilst filling cost sheets with “pumped up” figures. The reconstruction of Sri Akal Thakt Sahib by Former Jathedar of Buddha Dal, Jathedar Santa Singh after Operation Bluestar in June 1984 is an all too well known example which led to his exclusion from the Sikh Nation shortly afterwards, though he was re-accepted back into the Sikh Nation.

It is also interesting to note that the other songs on the album were not “examined” in anyway and in fact the second song “marrno mool” received a better response from the Sikh Youth than the problem song of “IK Baba Nanak Si”

The British Sikh Student Federation would like to request the Sikh Youth to support this effort by purchasing a legal copy and at the same time would request other influential personalities to use their “hold” over the youth to promote the Sikh Faith in a positive way.

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