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California Police investigating whether Wade M. Page killed two Sikhs in March 2011

Wade M. Page – the killer of Wisconsin Sikh Gurudwara Shooting

Ludhiana, Punjab (August 17, 2012): Two Sikhs, both men, were drove over and shot dead by someone driving a truck in March 2011 at Elk Grove, California.

According to reports local police is now investigating that whether the suspect who killed Sikhs in March 2011 is the same man, Wade M. Page, who was responsible for killing six Sikhs at a Sikh Gurudwara Sahib in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on August 5, 2012.

“The possibility of a connection seems remote, but I haven’t ruled it out,” Elk Grove Police Detective Kevin Papineau is reported to have told The Sacramento Bee.

The murders of Surinder Singh, 65, and Gurmej Atwal, 78, remain unsolved. The men were killed by a semi-automatic or assault weapon, police is reported to have said.

“I hope it produces the break we need,” Papineau said of the investigation’s new angle. “There’s a good possibility we haven’t yet reached the witnesses who know what we need to put it together.”

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