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Campaigners of “Nations without States” to debate Denial of Human Rights & Self-Determination to small nations in the Commonwealth

London, United Kingdom (November 13, 2013): It is learnt that various campaigners and activists, under the banner of “Nations without States” shall be gathering in the House of Lords on Wednesday 13th November 2013, to debate the question of ‘Denial of Human Rights & Self-Determination to small nations in the Commonwealth’. ”

As the 2013 Commonwealth Heads of State conference takes place in Sri Lanka, campaigners are sending out a clear call for open and international debate on the failure of the 20 plus Commonwealth States like India, Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe, Pakistan, Nigeria and beyond to allow distinct, ethnic peoples within their state territories to decide their own conditions of governance – Self-Determination.

Campaigners say, “[w]e are seeing small nations in free and democratic parts of the world – like Scotland and Wales in the UK – emerge from political lock down and be given free and open opportunity to decide their political status and self-governance. In contrast, the 60-year old commonwealth remains a vicious prison of small nations”.

Campaigners say the commonwealth is a cosy club of self-serving, unruly, brutal states. “We are excluded from this very Commonwealth. We do not count. We are not recognised. The Commonwealth oppresses us and kills and tortures our people for asking for fundamental rights and freedoms.”

In a special collective letter addressed to the Queen, as the symbolic head of the commonwealth, activists from an array of stateless nations – Panjaab, Sindhi, Baloch, Kashmiri, Tamil, Matabele and more, are raising the direct question of human rights, justice, fundamental freedom and Self-Determination.

The letter urges: “If people in the United Kingdom could and would not tolerate the conditions which prevail in India, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, etc, then why should our people who are locked into these belligerent, aggressive and tyrannical states. Will you dare to propose to your friends in the Commonwealth, that they too should offer Referendums to their populations, as your government has granted to the Scottish people?”

Since its formation in 2012, “Nations Without States” has continued to grow as a united coalition of dis-recognized nations who are stateless. It has affiliations from over 20 campaign groups.

As per information House of Lords, Committee Room G. Access via Black Rod Gardens entrance which is the southernmost point of the Palace of Westminster shall be the venue of the debate. The timing of the debate is 5.30pm-7.30 pm (UK Time).

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