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Canadian Sikh organizations boycott Badal Dal Conference; Demands explanations of various issues

A part of Sikh gathering during Freedom Rally at Trafalgar Square [June 2011 - File Photo]

Canada (September 09, 2013): It is learnt that various Sikh organizations have recently held an important meeting in wake of plans of Punjab’s ruling party Badal Dal to hold a conference in Canada. The meeting that was attended by various Sikh organizations of Canada unanimously resolved to boycott the Badal Dal’s meeting. The Sikh diaspora organizations have demanded explanation on various issues from the Badal Dal leaders who are currently visiting Canada.

These issues include appointment of human rights violator Sumedh Saini as Punjab’s Director General of Police; patronizing and politically promoting Izhar Alam, an infamous Punjab cop who had kept his personal army called Alam Sena that committed mass level atrocities on the Civilian Sikh population and silence of Badal government over disclosures made by Punjab cop SI Surjit Singh that he had eliminated 83 innocent Sikhs during early 1990s on the directions of superior police officer who is currently deployed on a senior post in Punjab police.

The Sikh organizations of Canada have issued a press note in which 19 ‘symbolic’ issued  have been listen on which explanation has been demanded from Badal Dal leaders.

The organizations have urged the Sikh sangat to stay away from the conference of Badal Dal that is scheduled to be held on September 12.

It is notable that India is eagerly attempting to curb Sikh diaspora activism in Canada and Badal Dal’s conference is being viewed another step in this direction as Badal Dal has aligned with the Indian state in Indo-Sikh conflict.

The press release (in Punjabi) issued by the Sikh organizations reads as follows:

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