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Chinese President Xi Jinping’s Visit to India Under Clouds; Conflicting Reports in Indian Media

New Delhi: Recent developments in India-China relations have cast a shadow on Chinese president Xi Jinping’s slated visit to India during October 11-12. Chinese president was to visit India to take the talks to next level after Wuhan informal summit. Xi Jinping and Narendra Modi had held an informal summit in Wuhan on April 27-28, 2018 and President Xi is set to visit India’s Mamallapuram in Tamil Nadu on October 11-12 for yet another informal tête-à-tête with Modi.

Chinese president’s visit at a time when India is conducting a war exercise “within 100-km of Line of Actual Control (LAC)” in Arunachal Pradesh cast shadow over Xi’s visit. As per reports ‘Him Vijay’ is India’s mountain assault exercise that will reportedly be held in two phases: 7-10 October and 20-24 October.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Chinese President Xi Jinping [File Photo]

Besides this, on Saturday (Oct. 5), India had reportedly lodged a protest with China through diplomatic channels over comments made by the Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan on Kashmir, and “sought clarification” on what India reportedly sees as a departure from Beijing’s stated position on Jammu and Kashmir.

Ambassador Yao Jing had said that China would stand by Pakistan on the resolution of the Kashmir dispute. “We are also working for Kashmiris to help them get their fundamental rights and justice. There should be a justified solution to the issue of Kashmir and China will stand by Pakistan for regional peace and stability,” he had said, according to Pakistani daily The Express Tribune.

Conflicting Media Reports:

Quoting a not-named top Indian official The Hindu reported on Oct. 7 (at 11:41 IST) that “Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to India is very much on track“.

“The official’s comments scotch speculative reports in a section of the Indian media that President Xi’s visit might be put off”, reads the report published by The Hindu.

But, another report published by The Indian Express (on October 7 at 11:52 IST) reads: “Five days to go for Chinese President Xi Jinping’s likely visit to India for an informal summit with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, there is no official confirmation from Beijing on it“.

Indian Express has cited undisclosed sources saying that the next 24 to 48 hours are key to the announcement of the visit, stressing that the two sides have a very robust diplomatic communication in place.

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