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European Union close to arrangement for security screening without removing Sikh turban

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London, UK (September 06, 2012): According to news report by Lord Singh the Director of the Network of Sikh Organisations (NSO) has received a letter from the Department of Transport to suggest the EEC are close to agreeing screening procedures at airports which avoid removal of turbans.

In the communication to the NSO, the Department of Transport confirm the positive developments further to a lengthy period of consultation and tests during 2011/2012.

“After due consideration of our reports and presentations, I am very pleased to inform you that the European Commission has written to notify us of its intention, subject to agreement by Member States, to introduce into EU Regulation the use of Explosive Trace Detection (ETD) and Hand Held Metal Detection (HHMD) as an option for primary screening, at least in cases such as the screening of the religious headgear of passengers and staff.”
The Department added: “To allow time to prepare the necessary changes to regulation the Commission has extended the trial with immediate effect for a further 12 months, or until such time as the new regulation enters into force (whichever is sooner). This avoids the need to stop the trial pending changes to regulation. I hope you will agree that that this is a positive step.”

Lord Singh commented: “The Coalition Government should be given full credit for this positive development. Discussion and correspondence with Earl Atlee, the Government Spokesman in the Lords confirmed the sincerity of the government’s approach now detailed in the above letter. Credit should also be given to the Sikh Council for supporting our efforts.”

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