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KAC director call for unite against divisive forces; Oak Creek shooting victims remembered

Luhdiana, Punjab (August 20, 2012): As per media reports the Director of the Washington-based Khalistan Affairs Center, Dr. Amarjit Singh, has made a fervent call for unity against divisive forces at a service held in tribute to the six Sikhs who lost thier life when a white supremacist opened fire in a Wisconsin Gurdwara nearly two weeks ago.

Other speakers at the service, which included civil rights leader the Reverend Jesse Jackson, backed the call for unity while decrying guns and violence.

According to the reports dated August 19, 2012the meeting was held in the city of Racine, Wisconsin.

Dr. Amarjit Singh, said Sikhs have been moving forward for centuries and will continue to do so. Sikhs have fought hatred and discrimination in India’s caste system, in armies that fought Nazi Germany and in American civil rights conflicts, he added.

“Sikhism stood then,” he said, adding it will also stand now.

“We hope that the racists, those divisive forces, those people who just care for their own race, their own system … are defeated.” Jesse Jackson is reported to have said on this occasion.

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