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Leicester to have Sikh school by September 2014

Leicester, United Kingdom (May 25, 2013): According to certain media reports a second bid to create a Sikh free school in Leicester has been successful. The Department for Education reportedly announced on May 22, 2013 that proposals by nine Sikh Gurdwara leaders had been accepted.

The school, which is expected to open in September 2014, will be called Falcon’s Primary.

Although it will welcome children from all faiths, half of the places will be reserved for Sikhs.

The application was the second put in by the Sikh school steering group, as the first such application was reportedly turned down in July 2012 by the Government because it was not deemed strong enough.

According to Leicester Mercury: Councillor Vi Dempster, assistant city mayor for schools, said: “The group has worked incredibly hard to reach this position and we look forward to working with it as its plans progress.

“It’s particularly heartening that it is committed to working in partnership with the council and schools across the city in the best interests of all of our children”, Leicester Mercury has reported further.

It is notable that these free schools in UK are being set up by charities, parents or teachers outside local authority control, but paid for by the state. They do not have to follow the national curriculum, but must provide a broad and balanced education.

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