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Malaysia court upholds ban on use of “Allah” word by The Hirald; Christians can still use “Allah” in Churches, says Malaysia govt.

KualaLumpur, Malaysia (June 23, 2014): According to ABC news, Malaysia’s top court weighed in Monday on the country’s longstanding fight over the word “Allah,” saying non-Muslims cannot use it to refer to God. But the government said hours later that the judgment applied only to one newspaper at the center of the case, adding still more confusion to a deeply divisive debate over religious freedom in the Muslim-majority country.

The ban had also affected the Sikh minority in Malaysia as the word “Allah” also appears in Sikh scripture.

In a 4-3 ruling, the Federal Court upheld a government ban on the use of the word “Allah” by The Herald, a Catholic Malay-language weekly. The court did not elaborate on the implication of its ruling, but the government issued a tersely worded statement saying it only applied to The Herald and that Malaysian Christians can still use the word Allah in churches.

[File Photo]

The government statement appeared to be an attempt to diffuse tensions in the country of 29 million people, including a large non-Muslim minority that has often complained that it is treated unfairly in jobs and education and is denied full freedom of religion.

Government officials declined to clarify whether the ban would apply to Bibles and other Texts, as appeared to be the case in last year’s ruling by the Court of Appeals that banned The Herald from using Allah. The church had asked the Federal Court to overturn the ban, but the court decided not to hear the challenge, declaring that the lower court’s decision had been correct.

Earlier this year, 300 Malay-language Bibles containing the word Allah were seized by Islamic authorities from the office of a Christian group.
“We are disappointed. The four judges who denied us the right to appeal did not touch on fundamental basic rights of minorities,” said the Rev. Lawrence Andrew, editor of The Herald.

He said the ruling would have a chilling effect on the freedom of religion guaranteed in the constitution.

“It will confine the freedom of worship,” he said. “We are a minority in this country, and when our rights are curtailed, people feel it.”

The law doesn’t clearly stipulate the penalty for violating the ban, but it appears that a newspaper using the term would lose its publishing license.

The government says Allah should be reserved exclusively for Muslims, who account for nearly two-thirds of the population, arguing that if other religions use the term, it could confuse Muslims and lead them to convert away from Islam.

Christian leaders deny this, arguing that the ban is unreasonable because Christians who speak the Malay language have long used the word in their Bibles, prayers and songs. Christians make up about 9 percent of the population.

“This is a sad state of affairs that shows how far and fast religious tolerance is falling in Malaysia,” said Phil Robertson, a spokesman for New York-based Human Rights Watch. “The Malaysian government should be working to promote freedom of religion rather politically exploiting religious wedge issues.”

The controversy has provoked violence in Malaysia.

Anger over a lower court ruling against the government ban in 2009 led to a string of arson attacks and vandalism at churches and other places of worship. The 2013 judgment by the Court of Appeals reversed that decision.

An umbrella group of Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox churches in Malaysia said Christians will continue to use the word Allah in their Bibles and worship, saying the court ruling was only confined to the Catholic newspaper.

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